This can happen in different kind of actions. See below:
Every single one can start to think when it comes to shopping. It might take you a little longer in the super market or in the cosmetic stores. Palm Oil is nearly everywhere. And we have to admit, it is hard to find products, that do not contain that oil. We shortly will be able to place a list with all different kind of names that palm oil is given by companies and scientists.
We actually translate blogs written by Dr. Willie Smits who has given the permission to publish his text on our webpage. If you have time and are willing to spend some on our project, and you are fluent in German, we would love you to work with us!
Of course, as already mentioned before, money is the most efficient way to support the Sintang Orang Utan Center. Every little amount helps to create an environment for the team as well as the animals where they can work professional and get the Orang Utans healthy enough to go back to the rainforest where they belong.
Our bank details:
Bank Austria Unicredit
IBAN: AT34 1200 0100 2034 6523
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